
10 (+ 1) Links I Shared with Friends #4




Confession: I am a Momateur

Some days, I just cannot mom up.  

I don't know what I was thinking, naming my blog "The Life Enthusiastic." It's a name hinged on an unhealthy dose of wishful thinking. "The Life, Meh" or "The Life, Well, It Has Its Moments" would have been more fitting. The life overwhelming. The life exhausted. The life exasperating. I can think of a page full of words to describe my life right now and none of those words are synonymous with enthusiastic. The Urban Dictionary describes an enthusiast this way: "A person who does something for a very long time but still sucks at it though he enjoys it very much." Zing. 

Whatever I thought I knew after baby 1 has been casually challenged by baby 2 (and all you parents of multiple kids are smiling right now, thinking, "Serves you right for being so smug."). Breastfeeding? Still a privilege, but much more of an emotional trial now that there are two mouths to feed. Sleeping through the night? Not happening anytime soon, even with the cluster feeding, co-sleeping, and side-lying nursing. Terrific twos? No one told me I'd be the terrible one. 


10 Links I Shared with Friends #3





Links I Shared with Friends #2



Naptime Project: High-Contrast Buntings

"Nap when your baby naps." That's common knowledge and common sense and new moms would be wise to follow said advice. But did I mention that I've a recovering workaholic? It's hard for me to use daylight hours for sleeping.

Today's nap time project was inspired by this space: the empty space between the changing table and the gallery wall.


10 Links I Shared with Friends #1

When you're a breastfeeding mom, you spend a lot of time reading. Or at least I do. I find it much more relaxing for my kids and myself to flip through pages on an iPad than to have the TV on to watch a show. So I thought I'd include a list of things I've been reading as a regular section on this blog, both to get the shareable finds out there and to keep the little gems in one place. Good idea, yes?
