I love fabric. If I could, I would have a job that would give me the excuse to visit the local fabric market every week in search of my next conquest. When I enter a fabric store, I always find beautiful fabric that, sadly, doesn't go with our home's color palette, our party's theme, or any possible project in the horizon. It truly pains me.
On the flip side, I'm overjoyed whenever I'm able to give a beautiful print or pattern its new home. I feel my true calling is to pair a fabric with a purpose: life as an upholstered coffee table, a fabulous future as home office blinds, or a courageous mission as a changing table cover (it's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it, cutely).
One hurdle to my dream? I can't sew. Or upholster. Or afford the materials or spare the time I'd need to learn.
But I can tie a knot—or 72. Which is why I'm glad there are no-sew projects any mom can do.